Tjaldur is an industrial holding company registered in the Faroe Islands. Tjaldur focuses its investments in the North Atlantic, which has a rich resource base of seafood and energy. We are committed to sustainable development in this area.
Tjaldur has comprehensive operating experience and industrial insight doing business in the North Atlantic, and invests in companies with improvement potential and the possibility for international growth.
Tjaldur (Oyster Catcher) is the national bird of the Faroes, celebrated with processions on the 12th of March every year, when it returns from abroad.
Tjaldur is a global citizen, but it builds its nest in the Faroe Islands.
Tjaldur was initially established as a shipping company in 1919, and became a holding company after the sale of the shipping activities in 2004. Tjaldur reinvested the funds and established positions in several marine industries and among other played a vital role in the reconstruction of the Faroese salmon farming industry in 2005.
In 2016, the company transformed into an international industrial holding company with a new organizational setup and a more active role internationally.
We at Tjaldur believe we can add value to companies through our operating experience, industrial insight, and far-reaching regional network. The board of directors and the management of Tjaldur have significant ownership in the company.
Tjaldur focuses its investments in small and mid-cap companies in the North Atlantic. We invest in industrial growth companies and mature businesses with potential for improvement and international growth. We also participate in larger investments through partnerships with industrial and/or financial partners. Our investment focus is on:
Tjaldur has been an active investor in a number of companies and industries. We work closely with a company’s executive team to develop strategy and secure forceful execution. We have no limitations on holding periods, and focus on our ability to bring value to our portfolio companies through active ownership. We prefer situations where we have ownership control and/or strong support from other shareholders to implement our plans.
Bryggjubakki 22
FO-100 Tórshavn
Faroe Islands
Dronning Mauds gate 3
0250 Oslo
P/F Tjaldur hevur ársaðalfund 14. februar 2025 klokkan 10.00 á Bryggjubakka 14, Tórshavn.
Fundurin verður hildin í fundarhølinum hjá Kaffihúsinum.
Dagskrá: Smbrt. viðtøkum felagsins.
Til ber at tekna seg til fundin við at ringja til tlf. 457500 ella senda teldupost til í seinasta lagi 10. februar klokkan 12.00.